• Play:
  • Song Name: Pineapster Random Audio Generator No.4
  • Artist: Pineapster Artists
  • Album: PRAG 4
  • Year: 2009

00. PRAGMaster - PRAG 4 Intro
01. Paul Carden - A Prayer For Jdimytai Damour
02. Distant Guns - Arson Attack On A Christmas Tree
03. The Kafinjers - An Office Party Without Alcohol Is Like An Office Party Without Alcohol
04. Pseudonyx - Mistletoe And Rohypnol
05. Solid - Match Report From No-Man's Land
06. Little Baby Jesus - Hey! Corporate Scrooge
07. Chelsea Clinton - Hip-Hop Hannukah
08. Darko - Brass Monkeys On Black Ice
09. Telling Tales - Do Not Travel (Unless Your Journey Is Necessary)
10. Gizz & The Headkicks - The Best Christmas Since 0 AD
11. AJ & The 81s - Sayonara, Santa-san
12. DrumAliens - Angels From The Realms Of Groby
13. Doctor Skinner - Caga TiĆ³ De Nadal
14. red_riviera - A Christmas Message From Far Away